Management Team

Manager (Biodiversity) - Stuart Pearse

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Stuart Pearse - General Manager

Stuart is the General Manager and is responsible for directing and coordinating the activities of the Biodiversity and Earth Observation teams. This includes overseeing strategy, operational performance, personnel management, service delivery, project performance, customer relationship management and business development. Stuart has a background in plant and soil science, having completed a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management and a PhD in the field of plant ecophysiology at The University of Western Australia. Before moving to environmental consulting, Stuart was an academic researcher. 


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Brett Lucas - Manager Biodiversity

Brett is the Manager of the Biodiversity team and is responsible for personnel management, project management and delivery, client relationships and business development. Working for Astron since 2011, Brett has taken part in varying roles across a diverse range of environmental management projects throughout WA. His technical experience includes weed management, project management, contract management, managing field teams and people, report writing, reviewing technical documents, chemical application, flora identification and risk management. Prior to undertaking the  Manager role, Brett was working as a Scientist / Project Coordinator for Chevron where he was responsible for invasive plant biosecurity on Barrow, Boodie and Middle Island. Brett has also previously worked on several weed management programs for various clients including Chevron, Rio Tinto, Fortescue Metals Group and Roy Hill and has played a significant role in providing management, mentoring, training and support to our Environmental Technician team members.

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