Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project

Clough Sea Trucks Joint Venture
Pilbara, Western Australia

Astron was engaged by Clough Sea Trucks Joint Ventures to manage potential impacts from acid sulfate soil (ASS) during the construction and installation of the Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project within the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

A detailed drilling campaign in accordance with DEC guideline series: Identification and investigation of acid sulfate soils and acidic landscapes was undertaken to identify the extent and magnitude of ASS along the pipeline alignment that may be disturbed during the project. This involved detailed geological logging, analytical sampling and on site physical parameter testing (acidity, alkalinity, pHf and pHfox). Following this initial stage of investigation, Astron compiled an ASS Management Plan and a Groundwater Management Plan relating to all ground disturbances and dewatering activities’ within the project. These plans detailed all requirements’ including essential liming rates.

In implementing these plans Astron conducted a monthly groundwater analysis program for the duration of the project to examine for any potential changes in groundwater chemistry. This included daily physical parameter analysis of all surface and trench waters. Once works were completed, Astron compiled a detailed closure report in accordance with the DEC guideline series: Treatment and management of soils and water in the acid sulfate landscape. This report verified that construction work was completed in accordance with the Management Plans.

Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project : Image 1
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project : Image 2
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project : Image 3
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project : Image 4
Gorgon Onshore Pipeline Installation Project : Image 5