Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment

Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia

Three species of black cockatoo are endemic and reside in the south west of Western Australia; these consist of the Carnaby’s Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris), Baudin’s Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus baudinii) and Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii naso). These three species are currently seeing a significant decline in their population numbers due to a wide and varied number of risks. As such there is increasing focus from state and federal regulators on these species during environmental impact assessments that occur from any planned disturbance to native vegetation within their distribution.

Astron was recently commissioned to undertake a targeted black cockatoo fauna assessment at a site planned for vegetation clearing and surveyed this site for foraging, roosting and breeding potential. This work was conducted in accordance with the referral guidelines generated by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC 2012). Our experienced zoologists recorded and identified the distribution of foraging resources or foraging habitat, the distribution of roosting resources and the potential for breeding habitat, in particular the number of trees larger than 50 centimetres diameter at breast height in the survey area. The latter being significant as these habitat trees are seen as future potential breeding resources for black cockatoos.

Astron found the survey area to be unsuitable breeding habitat for black cockatoos due to the absence of large hollow-bearing trees. However, we did find potential foraging resources along with evidence of recent foraging activity from both Carnaby’s Cockatoo and Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo. In addition, by using Astron’s methodology for quantifying foraging resources, we were able to map the survey area for differing foraging potential allowing the client to better plan and mitigate potential impacts to black cockatoo habitat.

Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment : Image 1
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment : Image 2
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment : Image 3
Targeted Black Cockatoo Fauna Assessment : Image 4