Astron was engaged by Cleanaway/Transpacific Industries Group to undertake a subsurface hydrogeological assessment to aid in the construction and planning of a potential new landfill situated within the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
A detailed drilling campaign in accordance with DEC and EPA guidelines was undertaken utilising diamond coring techniques to enable the recovery of representative cores. This recovery technique allowed Aston’s onsite geologists to undertake detailed geotechnical logging of the superficial and subsurface geology in accordance with AS 1726, and identify any potential conduits for groundwater and/or contaminant migration including landfill gases. All drill holes were subsequently converted to groundwater monitoring wells with in situ parameters logged and baseline groundwater quality samples collected.
Following this initial stage of data collection, a detailed hydrogeological and hydrological report was compiled to accompany the landfill approval documentation in accordance with the DEC and EPA Siting, Design, Operation and Rehabilitation of Landfills. This report extensively detailed the geological/hydrogeological stratum, hydrogeological contours, drainage modelling, groundwater quality and any potential environmental constraints.