eNews Monthly - We thought we'd share with you a selection of interesting industry articles from the month of February.
Lack of genetic diversity threatens survival of mass tree plantings
Evidence has emerged that trees planted in large conservation plantings, such as rehabilitated mine sites are lacking genetic diversity, threatening the trees’ ability to reproduce. Low quality seed and planting vegetation away from original growing areas have been identified as the culprits for low production. Read article.
Pilbara soils indicate post-wildfire recovery timeline
Soils affected by wildfires undergo significant changes within one year after a fire, with that same soil partially regenerating after approximately five years when chemical and biological indicators become constant. These findings are part of a study examining how semi-arid soils recover from natural fire events and will assist with the restoration of landscapes in Western Australia’s northwest region that have been degraded by mining. Read article.
Australia to be 'isolated' from global research after CSIRO climate cuts: WMO
CSIRO’s planned cut to approximately 100 full-time researchers from the Ocean and Atmosphere division has gained deepening international criticism. The World Climate Research Programme, a unit of the World Meteorological Organisation has stated that “Australia will find itself isolated from the community of nations and researchers devoting serious attention to climate change.” Read article.
Study of migratory shorebirds off NSW coast hoping to reveal secrets of changing ocean conditions
High-tech tracking devices are being used to study the behaviour of wedge-tailed shearwaters off the NSW coast in a bid to reveal previously unknown information about coastal ecological change. These migratory birds are known to fly more than 1,000km, and acting principal scientist from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage believes tracking the species across its whole jurisdiction could in turn reveal a lot about changes in the ocean. Read article.
Opportunities spinifex research will provide for Indigenous people in north-west Queensland
Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation managing director Colin Saltmere says the remote town of Camooweal will play a major role in bringing spinifex-based products to market. Read article.
Grants available for river bank restoration
Applications for grants that focus on foreshore restoration projects on the banks of the Swan and Canning rivers are now open. Read article.
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